Module Action

module Action: sig .. end

Actions associated to transitions

type t = 
| Assign of lhs * Expr.t
| Emit of string (*


| StateMove of string * string * string (*

fsm name, old state, new state

type lhs = {
   mutable l_desc : lhs_desc;
type lhs_desc = 
| LhsVar of string (*

v := ...

| LhsArrInd of string * Expr.t (*

vi := ... when v is an array

| LhsArrRange of string * Expr.t * Expr.t (*

vhi:lo := ... when v is an int

| LhsRField of string * string (*

v.field_name when v has a record type



val mk_lhs : string -> lhs


val lhs_name : lhs -> string
val vars_of : t -> Expr.VarSet.t * Expr.VarSet.t

vars_of a returns the name of the variables read (resp. written) by action a


val rename : (string -> string) -> t -> t

rename f a renames f v each variable v occurring in a

val subst : Eval.env -> t -> t

subst env a replaces each variable v occuring in a by its value if found in env, simplifying the resulting expression whenever possible.


val string_of_lhs : lhs -> string
val to_string : t -> string