Module Fsm_dyn

module Fsm_dyn: sig .. end

Dynamic model of FSM instances (used by the simulator)


type t = {
   f_static : Fsm.inst; (*

Static representation

   f_vars : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

name, (type, value)

   f_state : string; (*

Current state

   f_has_reacted : bool; (*

true when implied in the last reaction


Local evaluation environment

type lenv = (string * Expr.value) list 

Global evaluation environment

type genv = {
   fe_inputs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

Global inputs

   fe_csts : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

Global constants

   fe_fns : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

Global functions

   fe_vars : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

Shared variables

   fe_evs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list; (*

Shared events



val create : Fsm.inst -> t

create sf creates a dynamic FSM instance from a static description sf

Input and output events

type event = loc * Expr.value 

Event location, new value

type loc = 
| LVar of Ident.t (*


| LArrInd of Ident.t * int (*

1D array location

| LRField of Ident.t * string (*

Record field



exception IllegalTrans of t * string
exception IllegalAction of t * Action.t
exception Undeterminate of t * string *
exception NonDetTrans of t * Fsm.transition list *
exception NonAtomicIoWrite of t * Action.t


val fireable : t -> lenv -> Fsm.Repr.transition -> bool

fireable f env t returns true iff transition t in FSM f is fireable, given ocal env env.

val check_cond : t -> lenv -> Condition.t -> bool

check_cond f env c evaluatues condition c in FSM f, in the context of local env env.

val is_event_set : lenv -> Condition.event -> bool

is_event_set env ev indicates whether event ev is set in local environment env


val init : genv -> t -> t * event list

init env f performs the initial transition of FSM f, in global environment env, Returns an updated fsm and list of events consisting of

val react : -> genv -> t -> t * event list

react t env f compute the reaction, at time t of FSM f in global environment env. The global environment contains the values of global inputs, shared objects and global functions/constants. As for init, returns an updated fsm and list of events.