Index of values

add_assoc [Misc]

add_assoc (k,v) l returns the assocation list obtained by adding pair (k,v) to l when key k does not appear in l.

array_update [Expr]
bit_size [Intbits]

bit_size n returns the minimum number of bits required to represent n

bit_size [Misc]

bit_size n returns the number of bits required for representing n

build [Sysm]

build name gtyps gfns gcsts fsms builds a system description from a list of global types, function and constant declarations and FSM instances

build_instance [Fsm]
build_model [Fsm]
builtin_tenv [Typing]
cfg [Simul]
cfg [Fsm]
check_cond [Fsm_dyn]

check_cond f env c evaluatues condition c in FSM f, in the context of local env env.

collect_assoc [Misc]

collect f l returns the association list built from applying f to each element of l and collecting all the (k,v) resulting pairs.

compare [Fsm.TransLabel]
compare [Fsm.State]
create [Fsm_dyn]

create sf creates a dynamic FSM instance from a static description sf

dot_output [Sysm]

dot_output dir m writes a DOT representation of system m in directory dir and returns a list of the written files

dot_output [Fsm]

dot_output dir f writes a DOT representation of FSM instance f in directory dir.

dot_output_model [Fsm]

dot_output_model dir m writes a DOT representation of FSM model m in directory dir.

dot_output_oc [Fsm]
dump [Sysm]
dump_context [Simul]
dump_inst [Fsm]
dump_model [Fsm]
dump_reaction [Simul]
dump_tenv [Typing]
enums_of [Types]

tycons_of t returns the list of enum constructors occuring in type t, with the associated type

env [Builtins]
eval [Eval]

eval env e evaluates expression e in the context of environment env

eval_guard [Condition]
eval_guards [Condition]

eval_guards env [g1;...gN] is true iff eval_guard env gi is true for each i=1...N

events_of [Stimuli]
events_of [Condition]
fatal_error [Misc]
fireable [Fsm_dyn]

fireable f env t returns true iff transition t in FSM f is fireable, given ocal env env.

fold_left [Misc]

This variant of List.fold_left allows fold_lefts to be chained with |>

get_bits [Intbits]

get_bits hi lo n returns the value represented by the bit range hi..lo in n.

global_id [Global]
id [Misc]

id x is simply x

init [Fsm_dyn]

init env f performs the initial transition of FSM f, in global environment env, Returns an updated fsm and list of events consisting of updates to global outputs or shared objects, updates to local variables (including state move)

input_events_of [Fsm]
is_event_set [Fsm_dyn]

is_event_set env ev indicates whether event ev is set in local environment env

is_event_type [Types]

is_event_type t is true iff t=TyEvent

is_lit_name [Types]

is_lit_name n returns true iff n=NmLit _

is_rtl [Fsm.TransLabel]

is_rtl t returns true iff each variable written by transition t is written only once.

is_rtl [Fsm]

is_rtl f is true iff all is_rtl a for all actions a of f

istate_of [Fsm]
itransitions_of [Fsm]
ivars_of [Types]

ivars_of t returns the list of index variables occuring in type t

lhs_name [Action]
list_split_at [Misc]

list_split_at k [x1;...;xn] returns [x1;...;xk],[xk+1;...;xn] if 1<=k<=n.

local_of [Ident]
lookup [Builtins]
lookup_typ [Builtins]
lookup_val [Builtins]
make_var [Types]
merge_stimuli [Stimuli]
mk_array [Expr]
mk_bool [Expr]
mk_char [Expr]
mk_expr [Expr]
mk_float [Expr]
mk_int [Expr]
mk_lhs [Action]
mk_per_event [Stimuli]
mk_record [Expr]
mk_spor_event [Stimuli]
mk_stimuli [Stimuli]
mk_val [Expr]
mk_val_changes [Stimuli]
mk_var [Expr]
new_name_var [Types]
new_size_var [Types]
new_type_var [Types]
no_type [Types]
not_implemented [Misc]
of_value [Expr]
output_events_of [Fsm]
react [Simul]

react t ctx stimuli computes a global reaction in ctx at time t given a set of stimuli stimuli, producing an updated context ctx' and a set of responses resps.

react [Fsm_dyn]

react t env f compute the reaction, at time t of FSM f in global environment env.

real_name [Types]
real_size [Types]
real_type [Types]
record_update [Expr]
rename [Fsm.TransLabel]

rename f l renames f v each variable v occurring in l

rename [Action]

rename f a renames f v each variable v occurring in a

rename [Condition]

rename f c renames f v each variable v occurring in c

rename [Expr]
run [Simul]

run m runs a simulation of system m, returning the final context and a list of timed responses

set_bits [Intbits]

set_bits hi lo n v returns the value obtained by setting by the bit range hi..lo in n to v.

set_event [Expr]
size_of [Types]

size_of t returns the "size" of type

states_of [Fsm]
string_of_event [Stimuli]
string_of_events [Stimuli]
string_of_expr [Expr]
string_of_guard [Condition]
string_of_int_annot [Type_expr]
string_of_lhs [Action]
string_of_name [Types]
string_of_opt_value [Expr]
string_of_state [Fsm]
string_of_stim [Global]
string_of_stimuli [Stimuli]
string_of_transition [Fsm]
string_of_type [Types]
string_of_type_expr [Type_expr]
string_of_type_index [Type_expr]
string_of_type_scheme [Types]
string_of_val [Expr]
string_of_value [Expr]
subst [Fsm.TransLabel]

subst env l replaces each variable v occuring in l by its value if found in env, simplifying the resulting expression whenever possible.

subst [Action]

subst env a replaces each variable v occuring in a by its value if found in env, simplifying the resulting expression whenever possible.

subst [Condition]

subst env (evs,guards) replaces each variable v occuring in guards by its value if found in env, simplifying the resulting expression whenever possible.

subst [Eval]

subst senv e substitutes each occurence of variable v listed in senv by its value in e

subst [Types.Index]
subst_indexes [Types]

subst_indexes env t substitutes all index variables listed in env in type t

subtype_of [Types]

subtype (TyArray (sz,ty') returns the ty', ...

succs [Fsm]
to_string [Fsm.TransLabel]
to_string [Fsm.State]
to_string [Action]
to_string [Condition]
to_string [Expr]
to_string [Types.Index]
to_string [Intbits]

to_string s n returns binary representation, as a string of length s of integer n

to_string [Ident]
transitions_of [Fsm]
type_check_stim [Typing]

type_stimuli env id ty sd type checks an input stimuli description sd against type ty

type_equal [Types]

type_equal b t t' returns true iff types t and t' are "equivalent".

type_expression [Typing]

type_expression env e returns the type of expression e in environment env, performing all required type checks.

type_fsm_inst [Typing]

type_fsm_inst env f type checks an FSM instance f in environment env.

type_fsm_model [Typing]

type_fsm_model env m type checks an FSM model in environment env

type_instance [Types]
type_int [Types]
type_of_type_expr [Typing]

type_expression env te returns the type represented by type expression te in environment env

unify [Types]
unset_event [Expr]
vars_of [Action]

vars_of a returns the name of the variables read (resp.

vars_of [Condition]
vars_of [Expr]
vars_of [Types.Index]
warning [Misc]